Monday, April 16, 2012

Erin Christine

Well this weekend was a fun one! I got to go out and take pictures of my gorgeous sister, Erin! She is a cosmetologist and is always changing what her hair looks like, but I think I am very fond of where her hair is now. VERY blonde. :) It's cute though. Something I have had to get used to since she is naturally a dark brunette and I grew up with her as a brunette. But it's been a fun change and I guess she just wanted to see for herself if blondes really do have more fun. :)
Here are some of my favorites from her photo session!

Love the new locations that we found for these photos! Had so much fun taking these pictures! 

Thanks Erin for the great day! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these pictures! Elysa, you did a great job capturing your beautiful sister. :)
